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ITV and I’m A Celebrity outline their Covid security measures in advance of series 20

Written by on 15th November 2020

ITV and I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! has outlined its Covid Management Plan for the forthcoming production which will be filmed at Gwrych Castle in Abergele, Conwy from tonight (Sunday 15th November).

The health, safety and wellbeing of teams, contractors and the Conwy community is at the centre of ITV and I’m A Celebrity’s Covid Management and remains the number one priority. This plan sets out what the IAC production team have put into place in conjunction with the ITV Studios and ITV Network Health and Safety Teams.  

“Everyone on the production team has worked incredibly hard to bring I’m A Celebrity to Wales and a massive part of making that possible has been developing our protocols around Covid.  We have worked with ITV’s Independent Chief Medical Officer Dr Paul Litchfield,  ITV’s Health and Safety Department and our own health and safety and medical teams to keep everyone connected with the production, both in front of and behind the camera, as safe as possible.”

Richard Cowles, ITV Studios Director of Entertainment

“Those involved in I’m A Celebrity are used to working safely in extreme and difficult environments. The procedures and protocols developed aim to provide defence in depth against the coronavirus, applying industry best practice while always adhering to government and local guidelines.”

Dr Paul Litchfield

On-site at Gwrych Castle:

  • Numerous protocols have been put into place to ensure that crew can work safely.  The area is operating as a closed set during filming and visitors are not permitted during that period.  All crew will be temperature checked on arrival and will wear masks when not sitting at a desk. The layout of permanent work spaces has been designed to allow 2 metres social distancing. Desks are cleaned regularly and oriented away from each other to avoid face to face working.
  • Proximity buzzers are worn by all site personnel to assist with social distancing.
  • Key touch points are regularly cleaned, hand hygiene stations are in place throughout the site and all staff are encouraged to regularly wash hands.
  • All crew are required to undergo mandatory Covid training which teaches them protocols, restrictions and dos and don’ts.

Crew Screening:

  • In addition to the Covid Management Plan, the I’m A Celebrity medical team will carry out additional screening of all on site personnel. This process does not replace the need for other Covid protocols but is an additional mitigation.  All crew will take a twice weekly rapid Covid test which will be provided by a reputable supplier and overseen by the Production’s medical team.  Should a positive result be returned then the individual will be asked to self isolate and a PCR Covid test will be carried out.

Close Contact Cohorts:

  • Ant & Dec have formed a close contact cohort which means they can stand and work together when they need to, as long as they receive regular Covid tests, provided by a reputable supplier and overseen by our medical team. They will have tests every three days.
  • The celebrities in camp have been isolating for the past two weeks where they have been receiving regular Covid tests. They will form a close contact cohort which will mean they are able to live together as a bubble. They will also be tested every three days.
  • Access to both celebrities and to Ant & Dec by the production team will be extremely limited, always at distance and subject to strict protocols.

On the format change for 2020, ITV and I’m A Celebrity have said:

In response to the pandemic the format has had to be adapted in a number of other ways too. Fortunately, the castle has provided much inspiration to the Trials and Challenge teams and the celebrities won’t be short of a fright or two and although in a new setting, the show will feel like I’m A Celebrity.