Advertising on Vitalize Radio
Many opportunities exist for local businesses, big or small, to benefit from advertising with Vitalize Radio.
Targeting Your Audience
Radio advertising allows you to target your message. Vitalize Radio` is local radio, which means that there is no wastage unlike TV, most newspapers and other radio stations, that cover a much wider geographical area and charge you for the privilege. With Vitalize Radio you can advertise to listeners in Torfaen from Cwmbran, Pontypool to Blaenavon, and different types of listeners at different times of the day through programme sponsorship.
Cost-Effective Advertising
It’s long been accepted that radio, although generally under-used for advertising, represents the best value for money of all forms of advertising media. Ad avoidance is also very low for radio, as listeners are less likely to avoid adverts in the way they might with newspaper adverts and/ or television commercials. Radio enables relevancy, and reaches people at different times and places. Advertising is 60% more likely to be recalled when it’s relevant to the listener’s other activity (e.g. driving, browsing the internet).
Radio creates a “share of mind” for brands. As radio commercials are broadcast regularly, and listeners tend to spend a long time listening each week, a brand on radio can create a larger “share of mind” than its competitors. Online, radio drives a response. At any given time, a fifth of internet users are listening to the radio, and could be just one click away from your website or Facebook page.
Radio is considered a friend. Listeners tend to use radio for company, which leads to radio being seen as a friend. Just like a recommendation from a friend or word of mouth, this can be quite effective in forming purchase decisions.
Sponsorship As Promotion
Whether you need more customers or would like the kudos of your company being linked with our travel reports or our weather bulletins, or a particular Show or Presenter, then we have a sponsorship package designed to help you.
Advertising Packages
Vitalize Radio have designed a number of ‘off the shelf’ campaigns which make using radio easy and fun. We will produce an advert for you, with your input welcomed at all times – giving you, pound-for-pound, more exposure than any other medium.
Tailor-Made Campaigns
Working with you, we’ll design a campaign format to help achieve your individual needs and work you ROI (Return On Investment).
Why Advertise With Vitalize Radio?
Vitalize Radio is managed and run by a group of local volunteers, who passionately believe in providing the 24 hour community radio service to Torfaen. Vitalize Radio provides local people with music, entertainment, local news and views and a chance for local businesses to finally target a local audience!
Find out more by e-mailing the Vitalize Radio Sales Team today or send us a message on the Vitalize Radio Facebook page!