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Classic Chart Countdown

12:00 pm 2:00 pm

Current show

Classic Chart Countdown

12:00 pm 2:00 pm


Vikki Morgan Curtis

Written by on 14th November 2019

Name – Victoria Josephine Mary Morgan-Curtis
Birthday – 10 November
Star sign – Scorpio
Job – Communications and marketing officer

What is your favourite…

Genre of music – rock/indie
Food – cake!
Film – Apocalypse Now

Why did you join Vitalize Radio?

The chance to play some top tunes with my best bud/I love music and fancied having a go at being a presenter

What’s the best thing about being part of Vitalize?

See above – plus the lovely people I’ve met by being involved with it

Name your top 3 songs of all time?

This is impossible! There are so many.

Favourite show on Vitalize (not your own) and why?

Graham’s Soul Show. He plays some brilliant music, is so knowledgeable about the genre and you can tell he genuinely loves it.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?

There are loads but spraying water over a telephone in an office I worked in in London, when Dudley Moore walked in and found it hilarious ranks among the top ones. I also gave him a cuppa in a chipped cup (I’ll have to tell you the story)

What makes Vitalize Radio different from any other?

It’s volunteer-led, it’s community-focussed and there’s an eclectic mix of shows.

If you had to partner with another presenter, who would it be and why?

Steve. I love his passion for the music he loves. Who wouldn’t enjoy playing tracks from bands with names such as Butchered Babies and The Decapitated something or others? Plus, not forgetting the many weird, wonderful and delightful works of Steel Panther?

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